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In 2015, 8-year-old Holly Bruno was diagnosed with stage 3 rhabdomyosarcoma, a soft tissue childhood cancer.  Just days after her diagnosis, after friends and family wrote love notes on the whiteboard in her hospital room, Holly took time to unplug her IV and pull it with her to the whiteboard to add the words "Love is Everywhere" to the love notes and lists of procedures.  These three simple, powerful words became her mantra, giving her courage and strength as she went through ten long months of intense treatment.  Tragically, the cancer returned six months after she finished treatment and a cure was no longer possible.  Holly continued to live a life full of passion, joy, adventure and, most of all, love.  This is Holly’s handwriting from when she wrote Love is Everywhere on the whiteboard, a picture of a ladybug she drew and her signature.  ❤️

8X10 Print-variety of mat colors available

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